20130328, tumblr piece

Untaken Photographs

Her eyelashes look like millions of microscopic flower petals from this angle

The creepy tin man atop Webster Hall is talking to himself again

About space and how tin foil looks like stars and twinkles like them too

Old floral dressed black women are perched across the street

Holding bags of free food and a newspaper that reads SURVIVAL PENDING

They appear to be waiting for the bus, but when it comes they never get on 

Somewhere in an apartment behind them, a woman sits in a leopard dress 

Her hair done to look like a glazed cinnabun 

She thinks it was the acid that made her take all her clothes off

She’s a little kid on Halloween 

Getting candy

From old men

From under rocks to on top of logs

She has a shrine in her closet and tells people to shut up

One could stare in her eyes for eternity 


Until I Forget


Leaving Australia